Notice of Privacy Practices



本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息.  PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY.  如果您对本通知有任何疑问,请致电714-845-8605国外正规买球app官方版下载的“隐私官”.


法律要求我们维护受保护健康信息的隐私,并向您提供本通知,说明我们在受保护健康信息方面的法律责任和隐私做法.  “Protected health information” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, 当前或未来的身体或精神健康或状况以及相关的医疗保健服务或医疗保健服务的支付.


This Notice was published and became effective on January 1, 2020.  We are required to abide by the terms of this Notice currently in effect.  We may change the terms of this Notice at any time.  新的通知将对我们当时保留的所有受保护的健康信息有效.  You may obtain a copy of any revised Notice by accessing our website, 打电话给我们的隐私国外正规买球app官方版下载人,并要求将修改后的副本通过邮件发送给您, or asking for one at the time of your next appointment.





To Contact You:  我们可能会使用您受保护的健康信息与您国外正规买球app官方版下载,提醒您预约, inform you about treatment options, or advise you about other health-related benefits and services. 


Treatment:  We may use and disclose your protected health information to provide, coordinate or manage your health care and any related services.  This includes coordinating your health care with a third party, consulting with another health care provider, or referring you to another health care provider.  For example, 您的牙医可能需要知道您是否有其他可能使您的治疗复杂化的健康问题,因此可能会向为您提供治疗的其他医疗保健提供者索要您的医疗记录. 如本文所述,我们也可能与其他提供商共享您的健康信息.  向其他提供者披露您的健康信息可以通过诸如“处处关怀”之类的健康信息交换以电子方式完成, 这使得参与你的护理的提供者可以访问你的一些健康信息,以协调为你提供的服务和治疗.


Payment:  我们可能会使用和披露您受保护的健康信息,以获取或支付您的牙科服务费用.  这可能包括与负责付款的个人或实体共享信息, such as your health insurer.  您的保险公司或健康计划可能需要您的信息用于确定保险福利的资格或覆盖范围以及审查提供给您的服务.  For example, 我们可能会向你的保险公司提供有关你的牙科手术的信息,这样你的保险公司就会支付你的护理费用.


Operations:  我们可能会为我们的医疗保健业务使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, 例如,支持我们的业务活动,并确保提供高质量的牙科护理.  Some of these activities involve quality assessments, peer or employee review, training health care professionals, licensing and accreditation activities, data aggregation, compliance- or audit-related activities, and business planning and development.  For example, 我们可能会使用您的信息来评估我们的牙医和工作人员在为您提供护理方面的表现.  We may also disclose your protected health information to another provider, health plan, 或者在某些医疗保健业务中与你有或曾经有过关系的医疗保健信息交换所.


Business Associates:  我们可能会向提供服务的第三方披露您受保护的健康信息, such as billing or legal services.  我们与第三方签订了书面合同,要求他们保护您受保护的健康信息的隐私.


Treatment Alternatives and Health-Related Products and Services:  我们可能会使用或披露您受保护的健康信息,向您提供有关某些产品或服务的信息,包括描述我们参与牙医网络或健康计划网络的情况, products or services we provide or include in a plan of benefits, and alternative treatments, therapies, dentists or settings of care.


Family and Friends:  We may disclose your protected health information to individuals, such as family and friends, who are involved in your care or who help pay for your care.  We may do this if you tell us we can do so, 或者如果你知道我们正在与这些人分享你的信息,而你不反对.  If you are unavailable or unable to tell us your preference, we may also disclose your information if, based on our professional judgment, 我们相信,披露这些信息符合您的最大利益,您不会反对.  For example, 如果您的配偶陪同您进入检查室或允许您的配偶取药,我们可能会假定您同意向您的配偶披露您的信息, dental supplies and X-rays.


If you are a minor, 在某些情况下,您也有权阻止父母访问您的健康信息, if permitted by state law. 您可以按本通知顶部的电话国外正规买球app官方版下载您的牙科医生或我们的隐私主任.



未经授权使用和披露受保护的健康信息  我们可能会在某些其他情况下未经您的授权使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, such as when required by law or for public health and safety purposes.  我们将遵守适用于这些情况的法律要求和限制.    


As Required by Law:  我们可能会在联邦政府要求的时候使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, state or local law.


Public Health Activities:  我们可能会向公共卫生当局披露您受保护的健康信息,用于预防或控制疾病等公共卫生活动, injury or disability; to respond to or report suspected abuse or neglect, non-accidental physical injuries, reactions to medications, or problems with products; and to comply with medication or product recalls.


Health Oversight Activities:  我们可能会向健康监督机构披露您受保护的健康信息, such as government agencies that oversee the health care system, government programs, or compliance with civil rights laws, for oversight activities such as audits, investigations, inspections and licensing.


Lawsuits and Disputes:  我们可能会在行政或司法程序中根据法院或行政命令使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, or in response to a subpoena, discovery request or other legal process. 


Law Enforcement:  我们可能出于执法目的使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, so as to respond to legal processes, identify or locate a suspect, provide information about crime victims, report crimes occurring on our premises, and report suspected crimes in a medical emergency.


Coroners, Medical Examiners and Funeral Directors:  We may disclose your protected health information 供死因裁判官或法医鉴定死者身份或确定死因或进行其他合法活动, or to a funeral director, as necessary to allow him/her to carry out his/her activities.


Organ and Tissue Donation:  If you are an organ or tissue donor, 我们可能会将您受保护的健康信息披露给处理器官采购或器官移植的组织, eye or tissue donation or transplantation.


Research:  如果得到机构审查委员会或隐私委员会的批准,我们可能会在研究准备或研究中使用和披露您受保护的健康信息.


Serious Threat to Health or Safety; Disaster Relief:  我们可能会在必要时向适当的个人或组织披露您受保护的健康信息,以防止对个人(包括您自己)或公众的健康和安全构成严重威胁.  We may also disclose your protected health information to identify, 找到或通知你的家人或在灾难中对你负责的人.


Military and Veterans:  如果您是武装部队成员,我们可能会根据军事指挥或其他政府部门的要求披露您受保护的健康信息.


National Security; Intelligence Activities; Protective Service:  我们可能会向联邦官员透露受保护的健康信息, 反情报和其他法律授权的国家安全活动, including activities related to the protection of the President, other authorized persons or foreign heads of state, or related to the conduct of special investigations.


Workers’ Compensation:  We may disclose your protected health information for workers’ compensation or similar work-related injury programs, to the extent permitted or required by law.


Inmates:  We may disclose your protected health information to a correctional institution (if you are an inmate) or a law enforcement official (if you are in that official’s custody) as necessary (i) for the institution to provide you with health care; (ii) to protect your or others’ health and safety; or (iii) for the safety and security of the correctional institution.





本通知未涵盖的您受保护的健康信息的所有使用和披露将仅在您的书面授权下进行.  例如,未经您的书面授权,我们不会出售您受保护的健康信息.  联邦和州法律可能会提供额外的保护或进一步限制我们如何使用或披露您受保护的健康信息.  We will comply with these laws and, when necessary, 请求您授权使用或披露您受保护的健康信息.  受保护的健康信息可能受到特别保护的例子包括心理治疗记录, genetic information, mental health information, HIV/AIDS test results or information, reproductive health information, sexually transmitted or other communicable disease information, and alcohol or substance use disorder information.  


您可以随时以书面形式通知我们的隐私国外正规买球app官方版下载人,撤销任何授权.  If you revoke your authorization, 在授权允许的情况下,我们将不再使用或披露您受保护的健康信息, except to the extent we have already relied on the authorization.  





对于您受保护的健康信息,您拥有以下权利.  您可以通过向我们的隐私国外正规买球app官方版下载人提交书面请求来行使这些权利.  Please contact our Privacy Contact with any questions about these rights.


Right to Inspect and Copy.  您可以查看并获取保存在牙科病历中的受保护健康信息的副本, 包括临床和账单记录以及我们用来对您做出决定的任何其他记录.  我们可能会向您收取费用,以支付复制、邮寄和相关用品的费用.


We may refuse to allow you to inspect or copy certain records, such as information compiled for legal actions and proceedings.  如果我们拒绝您的请求,您可能有权要求对此决定进行复审. 


Right to Request Restrictions.  您可以要求我们不为特定治疗使用或披露您受保护的健康信息的任何部分, payment or health care operations-related purpose.  您还可以要求不将您受保护的健康信息的任何部分透露给可能参与您护理的特定家庭成员或朋友. 


We are not required to agree to a restriction that you may request, 除非您要求将您受保护的健康信息的披露限制为与付款或医疗保健操作相关的健康计划,并且受保护的健康信息仅与您已全额支付的医疗保健项目或服务相关,而不是通过保险.  If we agree to the requested restriction, 我们仍可能根据紧急治疗的需要使用或披露您受保护的健康信息.  


Right to Request Confidential Communications.  您可以要求我们通过其他方式或在其他地点与您沟通.  For example, you may request that we contact you using your work phone number, rather than a home phone number.  我们将接纳合理的要求,而不要求对要求作出解释, 但我们可能需要您提供其他信息,以确保我们能够与您国外正规买球app官方版下载并安排账单和付款. 


Right to Amend.  您可以要求修改您受保护的健康信息,以纠正错误或遗漏.  In certain cases, we may deny your request for an amendment.  If we deny your request for an amendment, you have the right to file a statement of disagreement with us.  We may prepare a rebuttal to your statement and, if we do, we will provide you with a copy of any such rebuttal. 



Right to an Accounting of Disclosures.  您可以要求对您的受保护健康信息在您提出请求前最多六年内的某些披露进行核算.  This accounting does not include disclosures made to you or with your authorization; for treatment, payment or health care operations; to family members or friends involved in your care or for notification purposes; and certain other disclosures.  接收此信息的权利受到某些例外、限制和限制. 


Right to Breach Notification.  如果我们或我们的服务提供商不当使用或披露您受保护的健康信息,从而危及该信息的隐私或安全(“违规”), we will notify you as required by law.


Right to Paper Copy of This Notice.  You may receive a paper copy of this Notice upon request, even if you have agreed to accept this Notice electronically.





We take our obligations to protect your privacy seriously.  如果您对本声明有任何疑问,请国外正规买球app官方版下载的隐私国外正规买球app官方版下载人.  If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, 您可以通过本表格顶部的隐私国外正规买球app官方版下载人向我们提交投诉.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.  




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